At Pulse Automation we continually strive to ensure we provide our clients with a proven world class control technology, designed and commissioned to the highest degree, enabling them to confidently operate their space in a safe, reliable and energy efficient manner.
Control Strategies
Enclosed Offices
An enclosed office maybe in use all day, or intermittently, depending on the occupants activities. Often lighting can be left on whilst the room is vacant. An effective energy saving can be achieved by adopting an ‘absence detection’ control strategy in these spaces. Absence detection requires a switch and motion detector to be located within the room. Lighting is manually switched on. When the area is no longer occupied the lighting will automatically switch off after an adjustable time period. Pressing the switch will also switch lights off and disable the motion detector to allow the occupant to keep the lighting off. This is also known as “Manual On/ Auto Off” configuration. Alternately after the detection time period has elapsed the motion detector.
Room Joining
Room joining allows multiple rooms to be controlled as one. The joining process can be enabled from a local switch or alternately in conjunction with a correctly installed reed switch that activates the join when a moveable partition wall is opened and closed. Once a room is joined inputs such as switches and motion detectors will control the entire space as one, when the room is again separated the rooms will return to individual control. Room joining can be useful in rooms where audio visual control integration is required.
Open Office Profiles
Open office space is an important area to focus on within the tenancy. It typically is the largest space to heat and illuminate and where the majority of people work each day. Profiles allow for the control system to determine the time and day then apply the appropriate profile. Throughout the day a moderate energy savings plan may be active whilst the building is occupied. The profile may include ‘Start of Day/End of Day Zone Latching’. When a motion detector located at an entry point is activated during nominated work hours the circulation areas are switched on and in turn the nominated open office lighting zone. According to the Green Building Code Australia the maximum switchable lighting zone is 100m2. Presence detection is disabled throughout the day and re-enabled at a nominated “End of Day”. After hours a more aggressive energy management scheme can be made active enabling shorter motion detector time outs and include strategies to step down services allowing the occupant enough time to leave the building.
Perimeter Dimming
Work areas located within close proximity to windows can be affected by large amounts of natural light reducing the need for artificial lighting. Perimeter dimming is described in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) 2011 Section J. Perimeter dimming can be achieved using light level sensors. Sensors placed in the correct position measure ambient light levels, when the desired light level is achieved the nominated light fittings dim or switch off providing power savings and can assist in reducing eye strain. Perimeter offsetting is another valuable control technique whereby light fittings closest to windows are set to dim as above, however a secondary row of lighting is selected to follow the dimmed level but at a pre-determined offset. This strategy steps perimeter lighting down more softly and provides further powers savings when both lighting circuits are dimmed.
Corridor Linking
When office workers arrive in the morning, motion detectors are activated and corridor lighting is switched on. When any office is occupied the system can be configured to maintain corridor lighting on, providing an appropriate access and exit path. As the last office becomes unoccupied office lights are switched off and a lighting strategy is initiated allowing occupants to leave the building with corridor lighting still illuminated. Once occupancy is no longer detected within the corridor all lighting switches off after a predetermined time.
Air Conditioning
Zones Mechanical services such as those used for heating and cooling can be the largest contributor to energy consumption within a commercial building. Interfacing the control system to the Building Management System (BMS) can provide energy savings. A typical control integration may occur when the control system flags an area to be occupied, air-conditioning set points are set moderately. When the area is left unoccupied for a period of time a more aggressive energy savings mode is applied. Local overrides within a tenancy may be set to time out profiles after hours. This type of integration is best achieved via a high-level interface.
Master Control
A centralised Master Control Point (MCP) will enable the user to control the entire lighting control system from one point. A touch screen provides the programmer flexibility and the user an intuitive graphical interface that has the ability to control the entire system. Relevant protection and user access restrictions can be configured.
Time Schedules
Time schedules stored in devices such as touch screens or head end PCs include a real time astronomical clock for automatic scheduling of events. Schedules can be based on the time of day, week, month or year, sunrise, sunset and daylight savings. Typical time schedules can include service off sequences after hours, control of external and signage lighting and specific events such as Earth Hour.